3 Strike EXP Form Location*810081048113Reviewer*AnonymousJoeySeanTravisShawnMelMattGeneralProper number of employees Pass Fail NA Is there a Sign Employee active Pass Fail NA -5 if noIs there a Glass Tech Pass Fail NA Are Production Employees in correct System Pass Fail NA No cell phones being used improperly Pass Fail NA -2 if cell phone usage at XPT or Load OnUniforms proper (tucked in, clean, black socks, name tags) Pass Fail NA Is dumpster area clean? Pass Fail NA Are the OTT’s and glass podium cleaned? Pass Fail NA Do you see Urgency? Are the Employees having fun? Pass Fail NA General NotesXPTAre there any drinks/food/cigarette butts visible to our customers? Pass Fail NA Is Truck Bed Signage Out? Pass Fail NA XPT cleaned and wiped down Pass Fail NA Cones clean, wiped down Pass Fail N/A Landscaping trimmed and looking good Pass Fail NA Sales Person at XPT Pass Fail NA Manager installing Fast Passes Pass Fail NA Load OnSmell of Tide Pass Fail NA Any issues with 96 keypad; proper usage Pass Fail NA Load on using big arm gestures/SMILING Pass Fail NA Loading, programming, and proper minimum prep Pass Fail NA Load-On area clean and organized Pass Fail NA Entrance Arch cleaned Pass Fail NA Are prep guns holstered? Pass Fail NA Load On NotesTunnel / Equipment RoomChemicals in Order Pass Fail In Support NA all chemicals at proper levels; no bad foot-valves; no empty containersEquipment Room Cleanliness Pass Fail NA barrel tops, hydroflex board, floor, hydraulic unit, no leaks, wheel barrel clean, no ladders, clean windowsTools put away; no spills Pass Fail NA ALL Equip. working properly Pass Fail In Support NA All sprayers are good and not clogged Pass Fail NA Omni sprayers and all nozzles working correctly Pass Fail NA Signage and arches are clean Pass Fail NA Windows/walls/blowers are clean (on both sides) Pass Fail NA Chain not loose Pass Fail In Support NA No heavy debris on tunnel floor Pass Fail NA Tire Shine working correctly Pass Fail NA All lights working correctly Pass Fail NA Wait/Go working correctly Pass Fail NA Tunnel NotesLotSwept and cleaned of trash Pass Fail NA Towel signs out Pass Fail NA Towel buckets out Pass Fail NA Ensure proper Towel Detergent Pass Fail NA Enough Towels are out for customers Pass Fail NA All vacuum nozzles cleaned and working Pass Fail NA NO over-flowing trash cans Pass Fail NA Poles and trash cans wiped down and cleaned Pass Fail NA Air hoses hung correctly Pass Fail NA Is mat machine cleaned and maintained Pass Fail NA Vending room cleaned AND Stocked Pass Fail NA Vac Producer room cleaned Pass Fail NA Towel Room clean and organized Pass Fail NA Music at correct volume Pass Fail NA Customer Restroom clean and stocked Pass Fail NA QUALITY CHECK A CAR Pass Fail NA Are cars clean DRY and shinyLot NotesOfficeOffice clean and organized Pass Fail NA Open/Close Checklist out Pass Fail NA Are schedules posted and current? (with Phone Numbers) Pass Fail NA Training Station clean and working Pass Fail NA Weekly Maint. Checklist hung and being used Pass Fail NA Hourly Checklist being used (clipboard) Pass Fail NA Office / Lobby Notes